Rainbows and fogbows
Lee diagrams
Circular rainbows
Glories and the Brocken Spectre
Understanding glories: Mie
How are glories formed?
Effects of droplet size
Introduction to Mie scattering
Introduction to the Debye series
Analysing the corona
Analysing the primary rainbow
Analysing the secondary rainbow
Mathematical models of scattering
Airy theory and rainbows
Rayleigh scattering
Diffraction by a sphere
Modelling the corona
Ray tracing
Ray tracing with interference: Young v. Airy
Impulse response of a sphere
Impulse response v. scattering angle
Scattering from a bubble in water
Impulse response of a bubble
Resonant scattering from a spherical particle
Analysis of resonant scattering
Scattering of Gaussian beams
Numerical evaluation
Selecting the calculation parameters
Overflow problems
Scattering from a coated sphere
Coated sphere: impulse response
Size of light source
Variability of size of raindrops-1
Variability of size of raindrops-2
Multiple wavelengths
How many wavelengths are needed?
Automatic selection of wavelengths
Wavelength and colour
Refractive index of water
Absorbing spheres
MiePlot program
Scientific papers related to this web site
Publications on "Light & Color in Nature"